How does an MBSR course work?
Specifically, we learn and practice:
Body awareness lying down (body scan)
Sitting and walking mindfulness meditations
Mindful body movements and stretching exercises based on easy exercises from Hatha Yoga
Mindfulness exercises for everyday life
Short lectures and group discussions with a focus on topics such as acceptance and self-acceptance, compassion, mindful communication, dealing with difficult situations, feelings and pain, modern stress research and neurobiology, resilience
after the 6th or 7th week, a whole mindfulness day (6 hours) takes place at a weekend day, usually a Saturday. Here we immerse ourselves in the exercises we have learned for a longer period of time and deepen our understanding and experiences in meditation. This day takes place in silence. The course leader gives a few spoken impulses and only towards the end of the day does the silence gently open for a short exchange. The detailed discussion of the experiences will take place in the following session.
Before the course begins, the individual situation and goals of each course participant are discussed in one-on-one meetings (zoom or telephone call).
All course participants receive detailed course documents as well as recordings of the meditation exercises to practice at home.
Kursraum in der Nansenstraße 5, Lörrach

current courses
The courses can be held either in German or in English.
Costs: 400€ for the whole program and material (course book and audio files).
2024: Course 1
7th May - 9th July 2024 each Tuesday 6 pm til 8:30 pm (Whitsun break 2 weeks, Retreat day 29th June or 6th July (by arrangement
Kurs 2025 Nr. 1
ab 20. Januar 2025
Montags 17:30 - 20:00 Uhr
Retreat-Tag: nach Absprache 1. oder 15.3.2025
(Pause erste März Woche, Ferien)
Kurs 2025 Nr. 2 Planung
geplant für Ende September - November 2025